Version PSP 9.01 funktioniert prinzipiell unter Windows7 Windows8 und Windows8.1
Programmaufruf für PSP9 korrigieren (Datei im Explorer mit PSP9 öffnen funktioniert nicht)
- HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/Applications/Paint Shop Pro 9.exe/shell/open/command... Parameter "\%1" ergänzen anstelle DDE zu nutzen
- HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/Applications/Paint Shop Pro 9.exe/shell/open/ddexec... Inhalt entfernen
- "... Use regedit.exe and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Applications\Paint Shop Pro9.exe\shell\Open\dddexec\Application And change Paint Shop Pro to Paint Shop Pro 9..."
Probleme in PSP9 mit Plugins
- "...Have you tried going into Control Panel > System > Advanced > Settings > Advanced tab > Performance Settings > Date Execution Prevention tab and turning off Data Execution Prevention (DEP) for the problem plug-in(s)? You can type Data Execution Prevention into your Windows Help function for more details. This link might also be helpful. ..." (spandex rutabaga)
Patches für PSP9
- die deutsche Version läuft gut mit 9.01
- englisch: "...There are many different patches for PSP 9, and it can be confusing, but in almost all cases, all you need is the 9.01 patch... BUT if you have the US English version of PSP, you need both the 9.01 patch and the patch. See for a link to the Corel page for downloading patches and an explanation of what you do and don't need. ..." (?) Eventuell findet man solche Daten noch in der wayback machine oder ähnlichen Diensten...
Drucken aus PSP9
- geht nur auf den Standarddrucker (ggf. helfen Utilities den Standarddrucker on-the-fly zu ändern)
20.03.2015 ↸